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M01 - Ponta de São Lourenço

Ponta de São Lourenço  ©Raquel Ferreira

Geosite ID: M01

Name: Ponta de São Lourenço

Thematic category: Volcanology and Tectonics

Geographical location on orthophotomap - M01

Municipality: Machico

Civil parish: Caniçal

Location area: 0,1 -1000 ha

Coordinates(1): 32º44.7' N 16º42.7' W

Average altitude: 72 m

Accessibility: fácil

Distance to nearest paved road: 583 m

Conditions of observation: Good

(1) Coordinates of the geosite and / or the best viewpoint


Brief description

The Ponta de São Lourenço is an area of major geological relevance. Despite being physiographicaly homogenous, this area encompasses a set of 8 geosites that represent a high multitude of aspects, mainly of stratigraphical, tectonic, volcanic, geomorphological, lithological and sedimentological nature.


Relevant notes

Visiting a site of geological interest is the sole responsibility of the user.
The user must take precautions when visiting the site, taking into account the conditions of the terrain, weather conditions and other hazards, so that they do not create situations that put themselves or others at risk.
The user must respect private property. Access to private areas requires prior authorization from the owners.
The user must respect natural heritage, keeping it intact. The impact of your actions should be minimal.


How to Cite

BRUM DA SILVEIRA, A.; PRADA, S.; RAMALHO, R.; MADEIRA, J.; FONSECA, P.; CANHA, E.; BRILHA, J. (2012). Inventariação do Património Geológico da Ilha da Madeira. Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais - Relatório Final, 414 p. In:

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