The GEOschool concept was adapted from the European project "GEOschools" and foresees the definition of models and principles for geosciences literacy in regional schools. Improving geosciences knowledge requires the involvement of students, teachers and the whole school community, and the comprehension of local geological contents is necessary to understand the geological phenomena on a global scale.
The main objectives that a Geoschool should assume are:
(a) Knowing and understanding the local geology;
(b) Increasing teachers’ knowledge and students’ skills in the evaluation and assessment of geosciences;
(c) Improving the educational capabilities of geosciences in the surrounding environment;
(d) Supporting the education for sustainability.
The Geoschool should stimulate projects, programs and school competitions related to the geosciences through their teachers’ and students’ involvement. The Program “GEA – Mother Earth” provides to the Autonomous Region of Madeira schools, a better knowledge and behavior about nature conservation, more specifically in the geological point of view, through a school contest.